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A fascinating and rare image of a party or similar celebration of mostly African-American CBIers at the American Red Cross club in Calcutta. While the numerous shoulder insignia leave no question that these are CBI veterans (see blow-up below), the time of the event is a mystery. Many African American CBIers where stationed in WWII, working at the docks, in road construction, or as drivers on the various roads into...

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We are excited that, after years of hoping to find some kin of Lt. Wallace, who lost his life saving his crew (see our previous story of regarding William H. Wallace here), one last effort in fall 2015 has allowed us to get to know his daughter, Judy Ikels, and she has been gracious to share with us much about her biological father, whom she never met. Dr. Patrick Lucas...

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Alice Kim Chong (1909-1972; Chinese names 张秀金 and 张秀俊) was one of Claire Chennault’s two female interpreters at Kunming between 1943 and 1945. Here they are outside the HQ building at Kunming in 1943. Eloise Witwer, Alice’s roommate and best friend, at left. Alice Kim Chong (1909-1972) at right. Alice Chong was American-Born Chinese, born on Kauai, and educated (B.A...
A condolence letter to the family of Lt. James C. Vurgaropulos, who died during a mission in 1944 in China, from Barney M. Giles. See more about James C. Vurgaropulos here.
The B-24 "The Frendlin" and crew in China during WWII. This B-24J, serial #42-73265 was assigned to 425th Bomb Squadron at Kunming. The plane departed Liuchow on 20 May 1944 for a planned sea sweep mission with return to Kunming. However, it was hit by enemy fire during the mission forcing the crew to bail out prior to reaching a...
Newly-minted Medal of Valor recipients in India, 1945. The officer in the picture on the left is First Lieutenant Donald J. Lochner, followed by Second Lieutenant Harold N. Olive, and finally Harry J. Hartz, all 24th Combat Mapping Squadron. The two men to the right are unknown. (Thanks to Randy for sharing his research. See more here.)
Flight "A" of 24th Mapping Squadron at APO 690, Gushkara, India. March 1945. With B-24/F-7.
Engine change crew work on a C-47 transport plane in the CBI. 330th Troop Carrier, 9th CC. 1945. Sergeant Arnold Wall in far back against the fuselage.
The B-24 bomber "HOT AS HELL" and crew in China during WWII. This B-24D, serial #42-40075, was assigned to the 425th Bomb Squadron, one of the original planes of the 308th Bomb Group making the trip from USA to Kunming in April 1943. By November, following several missions and many resupply trips across the Hump for fuel, munitions and spare...
B-24 "Tough Titti" and Crew during WWII (likely inside a revetment in SW China): L to R standing: LT/ Kaestner; Pilot LT/ Apsega; Co-pilot LT/ Crawford; Navigator Lt/ Adelson; bombardier Sitting L to R - Sergeants: Mann; Gunner Young; Gunner Smith; Engineer Jones; asst. Engineer Luebers; radio Operator Bartell, Donald J.; Armorer Gunner (Thanks A. Cope!)