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Cooks Ruth Carrell, Betty Yeaton, Jinx Falkenburg visit the enlisted men's mess of the "China Blitzer" fighter squadron and the "Flying Horse" fighter group. The cooks are (left to right): Sgt. Joseph Chirko, Ruth Carrell, S/Sgt. Steve Nagy, Betty Yeaton, Jinx Falkenburg. In front is "Collen", Burmese refugee and mess attendant, in the background with glasses is Mr. John Woo...
Lt. Woo of the 425th Bomb Squadron sits aside a 425th Bomb Squadron motorcycle that originally came to China on the Burma Road in 1942. 425th Bomb Squadron mechanic made repaired the motorcycle and made it operational after it was "Liberated" from the Chinese. In the CBI during WWII, during 1943 or early 1944. Photo from Robert L. Cowan.