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machine gun

"With Chinese Military Guard Standing Close By, Ground Crew Of The 14Th Air Force Work On A North American B-25, Preparing It For Another Raid On Enemy Installations." This is likely B-25D-15, #41-30381, assigned to the 491BS/341BG while the unit was stationed at Chakulia. A ground crew of the 341st Bombardment Group does maintenance to the tail gunner position on...
Capt. O. D. Propps, American Liaison Officer, and Col. Tung Tau, commanding 388 Regiment, 130th Division, 53rd Chinese Army, inspect captured Japanese heavy machine gun, captured on Li La Hill northwest of Chefang. This machine gun fires 7.92 mm ammunition. Yunnan Province on November 28, 1944. Photo by T/5 W. E. Shemorry. B-Detachment, 164th Signal Photographic Company, APO 627. Passed...
GI shoots Thompson submachine gun in the CBI during WWII.
.50 cal machine gun being removed at Nanning Air Base during WWII by women laborers. 16 November 1944. Image courtesy of Tony Strotman.
Chinese ground crews clean 50 cal. machine guns during WWII. Left to right: Sgts. Huang Wan-yi, Liu Hantao, and Toeng Tac-Han Image courtesy of Tony Strotman.
Donald James Coolidge, US Army Corps Of Engineers, spent the whole period of April 1943 to March 1946 as a "white" lieutenant with several different US Army Corps Engineer regiments, and was in Burma November 1944 to March 1946. He worked with African-American soldiers, and notes with emphasis that "My service with them was fascinating and I learned that all...
September 30, 1944 During WWII, a small detachment of Chinese soldiers armed with a light machine gun on railway wheels and two other guns, stand guard at the Liuchow (Liuzhou) station to prevent looting during air raid and to maintain order in general. Signal Corps Photo Pfc J. C. Bowermaster
Machine gun class of the Chinese Infantry non com training school at Dutan, China. The first and third guns, beginning from the foreground, are Belgian Brownings, the rest are Chezck Bren guns. Chang Tson-ta and Chung Fo are the instructors in this line. China. 18 May 1944
An American instructor explains the use of a machine gun to Chinese troops. Image from U. S. Government official sources.
Elmer Bukey poses for a photo with some Chinese friends and a Thompson submachine gun, standing by a rice paddy, at Liangshan China, during WWII.