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B-24s bombing Sinshih, an important Japanese supply in the Hunan campaign of the time. 8.6.1944. With P-51 and P-40 fighter escorts. Consolidated B-24J-35-CO Liberator "Krachy Kourier" (308th BG 425th BS; #42-73318). Consolidated B-24J-25-CO Liberator "Burma Queen" (308th BG 425th BS; #42-73253). In China, on one mission a bomber crew would "borrow" "Burma Queen" for a mission and were eventually forced...
Low altitude bombing of railway near Van Trai Railroad Station, likely French Indochina. See related image here. 22nd Bombardment Squadron.
Low altitude bombing at Van Trai Marshalling yards, in Tourane (now Da Nang), French Indochina. 22nd Bombardment Squadron.
Bombing of Cam Pha Port, French Indochina. 22nd Bombardment Squadron.
Bombing of Van Trai Station, French Indochina. See related image here. 22nd Bombardment Squadron.
B-25 dropping line of bombs over SW China, French Indochina, or Burma, during WWII. 22nd Bombardment Squadron. Image from Francis E. Davis.
Japanese planes burning in revetments at Chiang Mai air base, Thailand. Note scattered puffs of dust on ground from machine gun or cannon fire. 22nd Bombardment Squadron.
Bomb railroad bridge in French Indochina (Vietnam), during WWII. Note train engine on its side in water, and rebuilt temporary bridge nearby. 22nd Bombardment Squadron, 2nd Group.
Bombing of Đò Lèn Bridge in Hà Trung Town in French Indochina (Vietnam), during WWII. 22nd Bombardment Squadron, 2nd Group.
The coaling station at Campha Port, French Indochina, is left burning after bombing raid by B-25s. 22nd Bombardment Squadron.