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People come and go from village gate in SW China during WWII, with propaganda and military rules posed beside the gate.
Street scene in SW China during WWII.
Street scene in SW China during WWII.
Street scene in Calcutta during WWII.
GIs and local vendor mingle during a rest stop on the train in India during WWII.
A funeral procession in China during WWII, with musicians and mourners. The large placard being carried says 福寿无疆, something like Limitless Good Life.
View of the American base at Chanyi, in Yunnan, China, during WWII. Note the basketball court and people on it.
GIs lead mules out of a C-47 transport plane during WWII, in China.
Chinese soldiers climb down ladder out of C-46 transport plane. During WWII.
Men repair a damaged ATC ground transport vehicle, damaged by shrapnel or bullets. In China during WWII.