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Early crew make up, in Tucson, Sept. 1942. Front row: Lt. Columbus (navigator), Lt. Paul S. Hite (co-pilot), Lt. Edward L. McCoy (Pilot), Lt. Brown (bombardier). Back row: T/Sgt. Roy A. Whistle (radio), S/Sgt. George P. Sibulski (As. Engineer), T/Sgt. Russell F. Doman (Engineer), S/Sgt. Lester V. Bebout (tail gunner), Thomas Grady (As. Radio). Lt. Paul S. Hite would be...
Chinese sergeants crowd around Sgt. Paul F. Brown as he conducts a class in ground repair. Instruction was via interpreter even though many of the Chinese sergeants speak English. In China during WWII. Image courtesy of Tony Strotman.
American actor, comedian, and exceptional humanitarian Joe E. Brown touring bases in China, sits in a P-40 (serial #42-9768). This is probably in Yunnan province, China. Image courtesy of Tony Strotman.
American actor, comedian, and exceptional humanitarian Joe E. Brown gives US show at 14th Air Force China base. Image courtesy of Tony Strotman.
Images provided by Wallace J. Brown of the C-46 "China Doll" under restoration. An accompanying letter, and related images can be found here.
Images provided by Wallace J. Brown of the C-46 "China Doll" under restoration. Below is a letter accompanying this image, and another related image can be found here.
Gordon Brown kneels before 16th Fighter Group Sign At Chenggong (Chengkung), 15 miles from Kunming, during WWII. In Chinese the sign says "Great Wall In The Air" ("空中长城"). Photo from Gordon Brown.
Californians of the 425th Bomb Squadron and WASC record "Yanks In The Orient" for later transmission in the US. Kunming, China, November, 1944. M.C. was Lt. Bert Parks, later of post-war fame as the M. C. of the Miss America Pageant. Photo from Robert L. Cowan.
Smiling GIs in the CBI during WWII, who just found out the war had ended. Photo from Robert Babinec, 988th Signal Service Battalion.