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Chengdu 成都

Also as Chengtu.



Missing Air Crew Report (MACR) #5023 (three pages total), for a crew of four missing in Action (MIA) in the CBI during WWII, lost while on a flight from Jorhat, India, to Chengtu (Chengdu), China, on 15 May 1944, while flying in a C-87 (a variant of the B-24 airframe modified to carry cargo), as part of Air Transport Command (ATC).  The full list of members of this flight were:


1) Pilot: 2nd Lt. James D. McDowell

2) Co-pilot: 1st Lt. Carl F. Christian

GIs on the term pose in a Chengdu baseball all-star game, July 4, 1945.
A fur store in Chengdu (Chengtu), China, during WWII. Photo from James E. O'Brien.
A theater in Chengdu during WWII. Photo from John Boudurant.
Alice Chong sitting on the bumper of a British truck in Shanghai in February or March of 1938. This is after the evacuation of many Ginling College girls to Shanghai, fleeing the violence of the Japanese attack on Nanjing in the preceding two months. Many other Ginling College (金陵女子大学) girls are also in the photo. Alice led the Ginling College...
"This Chinese vendor located his 'place of business' along the road from Kunming to Chengdu. He was selling small nuts that were deep fried. An American convoy stopped in this area and an American soldier took advantage of the time to make a purchase." Courtesy of
"Vehicles bound for Chengdu and the 20th bomber command are loaded on barges. As a steamboat (behind man directing) waits to ferry the barge across. All necessary gasoline was carried along for the journey. Several 55 gallon drums are visible in the vehicle. Poles were used to move the barges out of shallow water." Courtesy of
Yunnan (China), three young men employed as housekeepers and launderers sitting with Bert Krawczyk: "These are three houseboys from the airbase at Luliang. Houseboys were provided by the Chinese government under a reverse lend-lease program. The China War Area Service Command administered the program. This command was set up by Madame Chiang Kai-Shek to take care of the food and...
Clarence Anderson on base stateside during military training. Clarence Anderson with family during his period of training. Clarence I. Anderson, Pvc., Service No. 19059691, in the back row in uniform in 1943, in Seattle, WA, with his younger brother and three younger sisters, as well as his mother Ester (far left) and father Ivan (second from the right). Clarence went...