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124th Cavalry Regiment

The 124th Cavalry Regiment (possibly nicknamed "Mars Men"). Part of Mars Task Force.

Soldiers of the Mars Task Force (124th Calvary Regiment ) marching in Burma on Christmas Day during WWII.
Members of 124th Cavalry Regiment (Mars Task Force), Headquarters Troops I & R, show of captured Japanese Good-Luck Flag (寄せ書き日の丸) collected on the battleground in the CBI during WWII.
Mars Task Force 124th Cavalry Regiment enjoying supply boxes. For food Christmas in 1944! In Burma during WWII.
For men of Mars Task Force (124th Cavalry) stand before alter and large cross in Christmas, 1944, at Naylon, Burma, six miles from China.
The L-1 Vigilant named "Sick Call" evacuating wounded Chinese and Indian troops. South of the Sweli River, 124th Calvary, Mars Task Force. 1944-45. In the CBI during WWII.
Mars Task Force, 124th Cavalry Regiment, marching in Burma on Christmas Day, 1944. In the CBI during WWII. Photo from Dwight Burkam.
The Stinson L-1 Vigilant named "Sick Call" evacuating wounded Chinese and Indian troops. South of the Shweli River, 124th Cavalry, Mars Task Force. Photo from Dwight Burkam.