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Guilin 桂林

Also as Kweilin.

"This is some of the 396th guys playing volleyball in our hostel area at Kwelin, China. I cannot identify all of them but I do recognize "Doc" Savage...Joe Wiley...Caples, and our 1st sgt. Ed Gardner. The unique mountain formation seen in the background of this photo was located alongside the runway at Kwelin, China and is still there to this...
Retreat during Ichigo: "This is Captain Kelley our group chaplain holding roadside services for a group of G.I.'s during the evacuation of our base at Kwelin (Guilin) China."
"These are five young Chinese children that lived near our base in Kwelin (Guilin)."
"This is Perez, Fedeler, and Miller working our salvage yard at Kwelin (Guilin), China."
"Wiley, Wozniak, Taurisano, and Springer on a convoy to Kwelin (Guilin), China."
"This Is a picture of the (electric shop) shop area at Kwelin, China. The guys are Houser--Dowds--Harrison and an unknown Chinese man."
"Here Is A Group Of 396th Guys Kwelin,China. Kneeling:- ? -Dildine- ?- Weidenbrenner. Standing: -?- Knecht-Rhoads-?- Zabecki."
"Another Example Of Joe Goodman's Work. The 12th Air Service Group Emblem In Front Of Headquarters Building,Yang Tong Air Force Base, Kwelin (Guilin), China, 1944."
"This is a picture of one of the eight P-40's that was built from our salvage yard at Kwelin (Guilin) China. The planes had new engines installed and were tested and turned over to the fighter groups for combat service.To our knowledge all planes performed to everyone's satisfaction." Caption courtesy of Elmer Bukey.
A train overloaded with Chinese refugees in Guangxi province, probably in either Guilin, Liuzhou, or Nanning. This could have only been during the Japanese Ichigo campaign.