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CACW mechanics Sgt. R. G. Miller, and Sgt. Fu Yong Chie work on P-51 fighter in China during WWII.
"This is Perez, Fedeler, and Miller working our salvage yard at Kwelin (Guilin), China."
"This rig was dreamed up and built by Sgt.Miller and Sgt.Blumer. The 396th needed something that could handle all the heavy objects that had to be moved in the process of salvaging and repairing the aircraft we worked on. They built this rig on a 6x6 chasis and there wasn't much that it couldn't handle. They received a lot of...
"Proud of Our Work On This Aircraft--Bukey and Miller pose for a photo in front of Casey Vincents B-25 The Silver Slipper at Kwelin [Guilin], China." Caption courtesy of Elmer Bukey.
At 52nd Army HQS, Yenshan, China, 2nd Lt. Wang Mong Chien, 2nd Division; Capt. Merle Foraker, Barberton, OH. The Capt. changes angle of antenna on British B-48 set for use in prone position while Chinese student watches. American instructors teach Chinese to use new equipment supplied to 52nd army. Photo by Pfc E. J. Frayne