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Lt. William Wickstrom, engineer at A-5, working on an airplane, during the summer of 1944. 462nd Bomb Group, 468th Squadron. Photo from C. M. Miller.
A crew of American GIs in front of a sign at Madras, India, during WWII, including Sandler (radio), Bell (Crew Chief), Lt. Miller, Capt. Conrad, and George Zdanoff. Photo from George M. Zdanoff.
B-29 "Our Gal" at Kuinglai, China, during WWII. Photo from Clarence Miller.
General Joseph W. Stilwell chats with men at port at Calcutta. July 30, 1944. Left to right: Brig. Gen. G. X. Cheves, Gen. Stilwell, S/Sgt. Julius Miller, Cpl. John Carvone, and Cpl. Peter Cecora. Photo by Pfc. Louis W. Raczkowski.
Lt. Clarence Miller in Cornfield near base A-5 Kuinglai China. Fall, 1944. Photo from Clarence M. Miller.
Clarence M. Miller leans from B-29 cockpit window. The 462th Bomb Group insignia reads "Hellbirds: With Malice Toward Some" around a B-29 silhouette. (Despite the photo being labeled as 467th BS, there is no record of such a squadron being assigned to the 462nd Bombardment Group. ---Thanks to Al Schutte for the update!) Photo from Clarence M. Miller.
10th Air Force combat cargo airdrome squadron softball team pose: Pfc. John Carroll, Corp. Herman Cole, Pfc. Michael Pezzulo, Thomas Bell, Pfc. Floyd Walker, Pvt. Arthur Hanold, Pfc. Michael Chup, Corp. Stanley F. Garwacki, Jr., Sgt. James Miller, Corp. James West, M/Sgt. William Boone, and Sgt. Robert Maringer.
Lt. Clarence Miller walking in Kiunglai, China, not far from Chengdu, Sichuan province, China, where there was the A-5 base, for B-29 bombers. Photo from Clarence W. Miller.
Lt. Clarence Miller walking in Kiunglai, China, not far from Chengdu, Sichuan province, China, where there was the A-5 base, for B-29 bombers. Photo from Clarence W. Miller.
Drum or bell tower at the center of Kiunglai, with busy market street nearby, a shopping spot for GIs. During WWII. Photo from C. W. Miller.