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Gas straining station after Japanese air raid. Karst hills in the background hit that this is likely a US base in Guangxi province, China, either at Liuzhou or Guilin. See alternative image here.
Kunming Hostel: "Hostel #3 from roof of HQ, 44 Gal. gas drums nearby" Note man holding basketball in foreground.
Maintenance personnel move across upper surfaces during pre-mission servicing of a B-25H 'gunship' of the 11th Bomb Squadron (not Group), 341st Bomb Group at Yang Tong Airfield, Guilin in Guangxi province, China. Circa fall of 1944.
August 2, 1944: No "A" card needed, but the difficulties of filing the cavernous gas tanks of a C-47 cargo plane make "stateside" rationing problems child's play. From US Government sources.
FLYING TIGERS IN HOSPITAL EVACUATION Chinese workers help service a C-64, loading fuel by hand crank, on August 1, 1944, somewhere in the China. The plane tail number is 35301. See related image. From the U.S. Government sources.
Burned building and fuel barrels at an American base, likely at Guilin, China.
Burned building and fuel barrels at an American base, likely at Guilin, China.
GIs salvaging precious fuel that had fallen into the stream. Related image here.
GIs salvaging precious fuel that had fallen into the stream. Related image here.
Refueling aircraft, B-25 on the right and B-24 on the left, at Liuzhou or Guilin, in Guangxi.