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USO group at Chabua, India, 1333rd AAF Base Unit. Left to right:Jimmy Dodd, Ruth Dennis, Pat O'Brien, Jinx Falkenburg, Harry Brown, and Betty Yeaton. Photo from Jerry McGovern.
Street scene in Kunming, 1944. Photo possibly from Dardan Brown.
A crew of the 11th Bomb Squadron, 341st Bomb Group poses beside their North American B-25 "Obliterators Excuse Please" at an airfield somewhere in China, February 2, 1943. They are (l-r): S/Sgt Pat N. Boudreaux, Port Arthur, Texas, Radio-Gunner S/Sgt Karl H. May, Yakima, Washington, Engineer-Gunner Lt. Charles H. Dearth, Sidney, Ohio, Navigator Lt. Mason O. Brown, Calwell, Idaho, Co-Pilot...
S/Sgt. Ira M. Brown, Corning, Iowa, receives Purple Heart from Col. D. L. Clark, Standing bedside are Lt. Col. A. A. Leonidoff, Col. J. C. Kennedy, and Lt. Col. John Groupman. According to report in his hometown paper, The Adams County Free Press (Iowa), on March 15, 1945, S/Sgt. Brown had been wounded in battle, and had been a gunner...
491st Bomb Squadron air crew at Yangkai, China, with the B-25H "Wabash Cannonball". In back are Lt. Jack H. Wilson (pilot) and Lt. Russell M. Howard (navigator), with S/Sgt Ira M. Brown (gunner; kneeling, far left), T/Sgt. Donald Gralla (radio) , and S/Sgt Leonard J. Bendinsky (flight engineer). S/Sgt Ira M. Brown would be injured and spend time in hospital...
Sgt. Calvin Brown, Kimball, Minnesota, cleans the upper forward guns of the 20th Bomber Command Boeing B-29 Superfortress "Sister Sue". China. 40th Bomb Group.