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USAT Honda Knot sailing under the Golden Gate Bridge into San Francisco Bay, 10 October 1947. Honda Knot, with 3,012 World War II deceased service members for reburial in US cemeteries, including many from the CBI. Much appreciation to for image and information.
Chaplain Dwayne H. Mengel conducts a temporary military burial in Yunnan, China. The 308th took heavy casualties, and one of the Chaplain's duties included burying recovered bodies in local graves until they could be repatriated after the war.
GI with grave marker in Yunnan, during WWII.
GI Poses with Chinese grave marker in Yunnan, China, during WWII.
' The photographer and collector of the images in the Roubinek Collection in Yunnan province, China, during WWII. We know very little about this CBI veteran or the background of these images. See an overview here. An image from the Roubinek Collection, showing local scenes and local people in Yunnan province, China, most likely around the Luliang air base area...
' The photographer and collector of the images in the Roubinek Collection in Yunnan province, China, during WWII. We know very little about this CBI veteran or the background of these images. See an overview here. An image from the Roubinek Collection, showing local scenes and local people in Yunnan province, China, most likely around the Luliang air base area...
Local gravestones in Yunnan, China, during WWII.
A young Chinese soldier poses in Yunnan, China, during WWII.
Local gravestones in Yunnan, China, during WWII.
Two local tombstones in China during WWII.