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Gun salute for American GIS who had died at a temporary war-time graveyard. In the CBI, during WWII.
Solemn burial ceremony for American GIS who had died at a temporary war-time graveyard. In the CBI, during WWII.
Solemn burial ceremony for American GIS who had died at a temporary war-time graveyard. In the CBI, during WWII.
Solemn burial ceremony for American GIS who had died at a temporary war-time graveyard. In the CBI, during WWII.
Gun salute for American GIS who had died at a temporary war-time graveyard. In the CBI, during WWII.
Gun salute for American GIS who had died at a temporary war-time graveyard. In the CBI, during WWII.
GI walks in front of vaults at an American military graveyard at Kunming, during WWII.
Funeral in Kunming of American killed during war time in China. Officiated by Chaplain Dwayne H. Mengel. With gun salute. Life goes on: A C-47 transport flies overhead during the ceremony.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
Funeral of 16th CCU cameraman Richard Dille “Dick” Arbogast in Kunming on June 2, 1944. The full crew died when their B-24 crashed into a mountain between Lingling and Kweilin in August of 1944. (It is possible most of the flag-draped boxes shown in the images here are from this same crash.) Sgt. Dick Arbogast, whom Hal Geer called "my...
Bearers carry an American who has died from an ambulance to a temporary war-time graveyard. In the CBI, during WWII.