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Jeanne Porche Morrisey, a flight nurse in India in 1945, posing with a snow leopard and unknown man. Photo by Mildred Miller Barsby, flight nurse of 803rd MAES at Chabua.
Flight nurses Lt. L. Evelyn Hill Page, and Lt. R. Joan Reece, of the 803rd Medical Air Evacuation Transport Squadron, unpack after arrival in Assam, India, February, 1945. In the CBI during WWII.
Flight nurses Lt. L. Evelyn Hill Page, and Lt. R. Joan Reece, of the 803rd Medical Air Evacuation Transport Squadron, shopping in Chabua, India, 1945. In the CBI during WWII.
"The only bear to ever fly The Hump." Chabua, India, 1944. Photo from "Tink" Snapp.
USO group at Chabua, India, 1333rd AAF Base Unit. Left to right:Jimmy Dodd, Ruth Dennis, Pat O'Brien, Jinx Falkenburg, Harry Brown, and Betty Yeaton. Photo from Jerry McGovern.
Workers dumping gravel to build road at Chabua airfield during WWII. Photo from Stevie Little.
GIs hanging out--in various uniforms--in Chabua India during WWII.
Advance detail on road from Gushkara to Chabua. Stopping roadside for chow.
"Advance detail on road from Gushkara to Chabua." American and Chinese soldiers stop for a meal over an open flame.