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GIs M. Wikey and R. D. Lichty in front of Queensway Barracks in November, 1942. See alternative image here.
GIs pose with traffic policeman in Karachi, India, March 1942.
Rangoon burning after the fall of Rangoon in 1942. "Photos obtained from a Burmese refugee."
Viceroy House and grounds, Government HQ, New Delhi, 1942. Photo from F. C. Reed.
The B-25 "Tokyo Jo" and crew in Yunnan province, China, having bombed Tokyo April 18-19, 1942, as part of Doolittle Raid on Tokyo.
American GIs examine small Japanese fragmentation bomb in China on November 13th, 1942. 2nd Lt. Nicholas Marich (sometimes spelled Marick) and 2nd Lt. Joseph W. Cunningham returned to American bases after having spent three days behind Japanese lines evading capture after their B-25 bomber was shot down on October 25, 1942 about 25 miles north-west of Hong Kong, China. They...
Bullet holes in the fuselage of the North American B-25 after a mission that ended in a forced landing on one wheel at its base in China. December 12, 1942. In the CBI during WWII. Image courtesy of Tony Strotman.
The American serviceman S/Sgt. Laurell E. Julius (ASN 6937706), B-25 bomber mechanic & engineer/gunner in the CBI during WWII. S/Sgt. Julius (a corporal then) was assigned to 89th Reconnaissance Squadron (attached to 17th Bomb Group) and one the volunteers that were chosen to participate in the training for the April 1942 bombing mission on Tokyo in reprisal for the attack...
1st Lt. Albert Lloyd Haynes Jr. of the 26th Fighter Squadron, 51st Fighter Group, 14th Air Force. Lt. Albert (Pappy) Haynes was a P-40 (#43-11365) pilot who was shot down and lost on July 5th, 1944 over Hengyang, Hunan Province returning from escorting B-25s after taking off from Guilin. Albert's thoughts of flying came from his grandfather's side of the...
Portrait of 16th Combat Camera Unit photographer Hal Geer on December 15, 1942. During WWII.