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GIs pose against downed aircraft wing. The middle person might be Maj Richard D. Day (李察戴).
GIs inspect crashed and pancaked B-24 in a grainfield in China during WWII, between 1943-1945. Courtesy of
GIs inspect crashed B-24 in a grainfield in China during WWII, between 1943-1945. Courtesy of
GIs inspect crashed B-24 in a grainfield in China during WWII, between 1943-1945. Courtesy of

MACR 12028 Tungloa Book


Missing Air Crew Report (MACR) 12028 regarding the February 7, 1945 crash of a C-47 with the loss of two American personnel and 35 Chinese personnel at Tian'e ("Tungloa"), Guangxi province. There exists only a record of the names of the American personnel, as below.

Gregory, Carrol D Maj Pilot 0421574 MIA
Young, Ralph R. 2nd Lt. Co-pilot 0550952 MIA
Robie, Raymond J. Pfc Radio Operator 39564739 parachuted out and survived
Austin, George M Jr. Capt Flight surgeon 0461426 parachuted out and survived

The B-24 bomber "Mud Fish" hard on its tail in China during WWII. This B-24D, serial #41-24308, was assigned to 425th Bomb Squadron, 308th Bomb Group, at Kunming on 8 Jul 1943. The plane's nose gear was knocked loose hitting a concrete runway roller during takeoff. Then, knocked clear off plane near its bombing target at Haiphong, French Indochina (Vietnam)...
A B-25D of the 22nd Bomb Squadron 'Bombing Eagles' of the 341st Bomb Group rests down on its belly at an airfield in Kunming, China, February 3, 1944. This wrecked B-25 Mitchell should be B-25D-15, #41-30385. Major Weatherly, the pilot, surveys the crash damage, as does and MP. At the base of the wing is a dark area: damage caused...
Remains of American P-38 aircraft “Butch II”--this was piloted by famous football star Tom Harmon. He had christened his P-38 “Butch II” after his girlfriend, actress Elyse “Butch” Knox, and had commissioned a painting designed by Walt Disney himself, whom Harmon had befriended in Hollywood: a rendition of the cartoon character Peg-­leg Pete, wearing Harmon’s football jersey, crushing a swastika...
Chinese workers hack up aluminum aircraft in boneyard for American aircraft at an American airbase in Luliang, China--many of these were used as salvage for spare and repair parts for planes that were still flying, and the unusable remains apparently given away or sold locally for the metal.