Reports on group mission no. 269, Sea Sweep of South China Sea and the Strait of Formosa, 4 October 1944. Snooper missions took off from Liuzhou, Guangxi, China.
An initial report, with supplemental reports.

Report on group mission no. 269, Sea Sweep of South China Sea and the Strait of Formosa, 4 October 1944.

Report on group mission no. 269, Sea Sweep of South China Sea and the Strait of Formosa, 4 October 1944.

Report on group mission no. 269, Sea Sweep of South China Sea and the Strait of Formosa, 4 October 1944.

Report on group mission no. 269, Sea Sweep of South China Sea and the Strait of Formosa, 4 October 1944.

Report on group mission no. 269, Sea Sweep of South China Sea and the Strait of Formosa, 4 October 1944.

Report on group mission no. 269, Sea Sweep of South China Sea and the Strait of Formosa, 4 October 1944.

Memorandum Flash Report on group mission no. 269, Sea Sweep of South China Sea and the Strait of Formosa, 4 October 1944.

Memorandum Flash Report on group mission no. 269, Sea Sweep of South China Sea and the Strait of Formosa, 4 October 1944.

First supplemental report to group mission no. 269, 4 October 1944.

First supplemental report to group mission no. 269, 4 October 1944.

Additional report to group mission no. 269, 4 October 1944.

Additional report to group mission no. 269, 4 October 1944.