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A Nationalist Chinese soldier at the American base in Yunnan during WWII.
A Huabiao 华表 ceremonial column, in Yunnan province, China, most likely around the Luliang air base area.
"Hale, Sigmier, Feldman 4th man unknown?" sitting on a jeep at a base in Yunnan province during WWII.
A handful of GIs huddle at a tent city at a base near "Kunming, China" during WWII.
A worker crushing rock by hand at a base in southwest China, during WWII.
GI reading a Photography magazine at an American installation in the CBI, during WWII.
Planting rice in southwest China, with karst mountains in the background, near an American base. During WWII.
"Filling water buckets for showers" at an American air base in the CBI.
Base personnel inspect a water pump near an American base in Yunnan Province, China, during WWII.
"'Stateside' folding money being handed out on payday by Lt. COl. John H. Williamson, CO of the Fourteenth Air Force Transport Unit to men of his command." Several airmen mill about outside a building, waiting for their turn, at a base somewhere in China. Photo also showed up in the Wozniak collection.