An image of Frank G. Ehle at the Nanjing (Nanking) Middle School on December 5th, 1945, with "Shamamee" and "Shahaitsa" (both not names but rather actually just transliterations of "little sister" and "little child" in Chinese)."

These images were part of a small subset among the images collected by the editors of Ex-CBI Roundup (usually through reader submission) over many years of publication, and shared with the Remembering Shared Honor project.
These images were originally taken or collected by Frank G. Ehle while he was in China during early 1945 to mid 1946, and essentially show his path of travel from India, along the Burma Road, then to Kunming city, Yunnan province, in the west of China, and later through Zhijiang (Chihkiang) in the middle of China, and finally to the cities of Shanghai, a key port and commerce city, and Nanjing, the post-war capital (for a time), not far from the eastern seaboard. The collection even includes a few images from the U.S.S. General Butner which took Ehle back to the US, arriving in San Francisco on June 24, 1946.