Table of ranking local Nationalist leadership during the banquet at the rally. In foreground, left, is Chinese Lt. General Du Yuming, commander of Nationalist 5th Corps (第五集团军总司令兼昆明防守司令杜聿明). On right is Gen. Wei Lihuang (卫立煌).
The general seated on the far left is Qiu Qingquan (邱清泉).
In the back are two KMT civilian VIPs. The one on the left is Li Fuyi (李拂一), an influential tea merchant promoting and commercializing Puer tea (普洱茶), and, later a local KMT official in a number of roles in Fohai county, Yunnan, during the WWII period. The one on the right is likely An Zefa (安则法), a highly educated official who had a number of roles in Yunnan during WWII. An Zefa also was an official in Fohai county for a time during WWII. Fohai county is in far SW Yunnan province, adjacent to Burma.
This image subset contains images of an apparent rally of the Nationalist 48th Army Division (陆军第四十八师) that happened in SW China during WWII, with speeches, parades, group oaths, patriotic slogan practice, singing, and martial competitions with awards, and a final banquet.
Several images show Zheng Tingji (郑庭笈) as commander of the 48th Army Division (陆军第四十八师 ), and he held that post from January 1944, to May 1945 (1944年1月任第48师师长,1945年5月任云南昆明机场守备司令), so the images are from that timeframe.
Based on some of the KMT officials in some of the images, and the terrain recorded in the images, this rally was probably in Fohai county (佛海县), in far SW Yunnan province, adjacent to Burma.
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Table of ranking local Nationalist leadership during the banquet at the rally. In foreground, left, is Chinese Lt. General Du Yuming, commander of Nationalist 5th Corps (第五集团军总司令兼昆明防守司令杜聿明). On right is Gen. Wei Lihuang (卫立煌).
The general seated on the far left is Qiu Qingquan (邱清泉).
In the back are two KMT civilian VIPs. The one on the left is Li Fuyi (李拂一), an influential tea merchant promoting and commercializing Puer tea (普洱茶), and, later a local KMT official in a number of roles in Fohai county, Yunnan, during the WWII period. The one on the right is likely An Zefa (安则法), a highly educated official who had a number of roles in Yunnan during WWII. An Zefa also was an official in Fohai county for a time during WWII. Fohai county is in far SW Yunnan province, adjacent to Burma.