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Yangkai airbase

Top image (above) is looking south from the northern end of the original WWII compacted rock and gravel runway at the American Yangkai airbase, during our visit in February on 2016.  The whole extent of runway is intact today, and officially still the property of the People\'s Liberation Army, although it is in a practical sense not in use or managed closely today.  Bottom image is an original WWII revetment, large enough for a heavy bomber.  There were many revetments visible here and there, but this was the most complete, with the clear "U" shape of raised earth very obvious as we walked around it. 
Locals say that many of the original buildings connected the base were still in existence until the late 1980s and early 1990s. Some people talked of playing in the WWII era meeting hall as youth, after the PLA stopped managing the site closely.
See other images from our visit here.

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Yangkai airbase