S/Sgt Anthony DeLuceney operating the camera, 1st Lt Lloyd D. Wiler, sound man, in front of the camera. The case in front of Wiler contains the amplifier for the sound recorder in the camera (it was a variable area sound system.) Capt Howard Pennebaker in back of the camera. Pennebaker was originally the Unit Adjutant until spring of 45, then he became the unit CO.
The camera is a Wahl, single system sound 35mm camera. We received the Wahl late in 1945. I suspect they were shooting a USO show in Kunming. (These officers were all Headquarters types.) You can see the light in the far left corner to light the subject.
(Info above courtesy of Hal Geer)
National archives info: Camera Crew Of The 16Th Combat Camera Unit That Photographed Paulette Goddard'S Personal Appearance At A Base In China On 1 March 1944. They Are, Left To Right: S/Sgt. A.C. Delucenay, Cameraman; 1St Lt. Lloyd D. Wiler, Sound Recorder; And 1St Lt. Howard Pennebaker.

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Eugene T. Wozniak Collection