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ATC flyers pose with fakir at Dibrugarh, India, during WWII, in August 1945. Left to right: Lt. Jerry Pyle, Capt Jim Cunningham CO Lt. Bob Boswell F/O Dick Harris
View from the troopship MS Torrens taking the Americans, including Schuhart, home, in late 1945. The back of the photo had the annotation "New York Harbor" on it, but this image in definitely not New York--the pointy mountains in the distance do not match New York, and MS Torrens arrived New York in December, which would not have been the...
The welcome ferry "Miss America" with a band and civilian women in New York Harbor as the troopship MS Torrens arrives home, in late 1945.
Views of the bustle at the docks at Karachi around the troopship MS Torrens that would take the Americans, including Schuhart, home, in late 1945.
Local people in Burma near the 797th Engineer Forestry Company--men riding elephants, assisting in logging in some cases. Received February 17, 1945. During WWII.
An oversized "Skull & Wings" insignia on plane's side near the nose indicates this parked B-25J Mitchell is assigned to 490th Bomb Squadron, 341st Bomb Group. The 490th had stayed in India, attached to Tenth Air Force, when 341st BG moved from to China in January 1944. With aerial combat finished in Burma, the 490th BS (attached to 312 Fighter...
American officers lounging in the cool shade at the officer's quarters at Hanzhong, China, 1945.
Major Gen. Charles B. Stone salutes during an award ceremony during a visit to Yangkai on the August 29, 1945. A photographer stands on the far right. Yangkai, APO 212, during WWII.
Major Gen. Charles B. Stone, and another officer, riding a 341st Bomb Group, 14th Air Force, jeep during a visit to Yangkai on the August 29, 1945. The jeep has stenciled "Chabua" (India), however groups and materials moved around, so it is not surprising to see this jeep in China, especially by the summer of 1945. Yangkai, APO 212, during...
Major Gen. Charles B. Stone makes an apparent speech during a visit to Yangkai on the August 29, 1945. Yangkai, APO 212, during WWII.