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Trucks on Burma/Ledo/Stilwell Road Convoy; GI driving jeep in SW China fon walking path rom the Ming or Qing Dynasty. Photos from Emery and Beth Vrana. Among the images collected by the editors of Ex-CBI Roundup (through reader submission), and shared with the Remembering Shared Honor project, were a series of images provided by Emery and Beth Vrana. Images include...
Trucks travel through mountain snow in the CBI during WWII.
A rolled convoy truck in the CBI during WWII.
China-bound US convoy at Shingbwiyang on the road to China during WWII.
Truck convoy on the Ledo Road, mostly driven by members of the 172nd General Hospital Unit heading for Kunming, China, 1945. Photo by Cpl. Douglas J. Davis.
American trucks on the Burma Road or Ledo Road during WWII.
Sign at the China-Burma border at Wanting, China, regarding the Ledo Road. During WWII.
Monsoon landslide halts convoy on Burma-Stilwell Road. In the CBI. U. S. Army Photo.
Part of 450 truck convoy with armored protection moving toward Razmak, Northwest Frontier Province, India. July 28, 1944.