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Burma Road dedication ceremony in Kunming, China, on February 4, 1945, during WWII. Review of first convoy (or one of the first convoys) to reach China. General view of the stage and reviewing party, with American and Chinese dignitaries, soldiers, and civilian VIPs. An American band plays, and an honor lines on both sides of the center carpet stand in...
IO6GU7 38 BURMA ROAD (RES) Burma Road dedication ceremony in Kunming, China, on February 4, 1945, during WWII. Review of first convoy (or one of the first convoys) to reach China. General view of the stage and reviewing party, with American and Chinese dignitaries, soldiers, and civilian VIPs. An American band plays, and an honor lines on both sides of...
At 52nd Army HQS, Yenshan, China, 2nd Lt. Wang Mong Chien, 2nd Division; Capt. Merle Foraker, Barberton, OH. The Capt. changes angle of antenna on British B-48 set for use in prone position while Chinese student watches. American instructors teach Chinese to use new equipment supplied to 52nd army. Photo by Pfc E. J. Frayne
(L-R) Maj. Wang Cheh Tso, Lt. Col Tang Wei Tan firing the 60mm mortar for demonstration purposes at a class in the general staff school, ITC, Kunming, China, under the direction of 1st. Lt. John W. Lee, Washington, Iowa. 23 September 1944. Photo by T/5 J. B. Hendrick.