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GIs do poolside R&R, during WWII, at hilltop rest house or manor house. In India? Ceylon?
GIs do poolside R&R, during WWII, at hilltop rest house or manor house. In India? Ceylon? Note round crenelated tower in the background.
A GIs and civilians play at the waterside, likely in Florida, during WWII. Note U. S. Army boats #J-2361 & #T-171.
GIs do poolside R&R, during WWII, at hilltop rest house or appropriated manor house. In India? Ceylon?
A GI inspects a fish driven ashore by wind and water, most likely in Florida (based on apparent Florida license plate), during WWII.
Car on a runway, probably in India or Ceylon, during WWII.
Howrah Bridge, in Calcutta, in the distance during WWII, as seen from a moving train.
Ships in the port of Ceylon during WWII.
GIs, with apparent Army Air Forces shoulder patches, stand in ranks in a place that uses the word "haberdashery" (as on shop window to the right)--likely India, but also possibly Britain.
Nude men bathing on transport ship home from CBI to US after WWII.