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Liangshan 凉山

Tent city of flooded living quarters at Liangshan. Stream next to the site has overflowed in this image. During WWII.
3rd Bomb Squadron's B-25J "Smilin' Jack" (named after the popular 3rd Bomb Squadron commander, Maj. Jack M. Hamilton, thence “Smilin’ Jack”). This B-25, A/C #714, serial #43-27809, was taking off from Liangshan on mission #112A to bomb and strafe railroad yards at Loyang when the pilot lost control and crashed just to the side of the runway. 3nd Bomb Squadron...
396th Air Service Squadron engineering area set up at a base in China during WWII: "This is where we went to work every morning in Liangshan China. These tents housed all our shop areas and tools. We performed a lot of work at this base mostly on P-51's and B-25's. We got along great until it rained and then we...
"This Is A View Of Our Salvage Area At Liangshan,China. The Goats In The Picture Were A Problem And Almost Got Ralph O'Connor Court Martialed."