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| China

' The photographer and collector of the images in the Roubinek Collection in Yunnan province, China, during WWII. We know very little about this CBI veteran or the background of these images. See an overview here. An image from the Roubinek Collection, showing planes and people connected to an American air base in WWII in Yunnan province, China, most likely...
' The photographer and collector of the images in the Roubinek Collection in Yunnan province, China, during WWII. We know very little about this CBI veteran or the background of these images. See an overview here. An image from the Roubinek Collection, showing planes and people connected to an American air base in WWII in Yunnan province, China, most likely...
The photographer and collector of the images in the Roubinek Collection in Yunnan province, China, during WWII. We know very little about this CBI veteran or the background of these images. See an overview here. A C-46 cargo plane at an American air base in WWII in Yunnan province, China, most likely around the Luliang air base area.
B-25 Mitchell bombers in flight over southern China, with a Karst mountain in the foreground.
Members of the 341st Bomb Group are presented awards in 1942 in China on 20 December 1942. They are: Lt. Dallas Clinger Col. Herbert Morgan Col. William E. Basye Capt. Campbell Sgt. Doug Radney Image courtesy of Tony Strotman.
The line crew working on a Curtiss P-40 in a hanger at Kunming, China. 15 September 1942. Image courtesy of Tony Strotman.
A Curtiss P-40 is being serviced by Sgts. Bloom, Dull, Yaranow, and Baker, while a Chinese soldier stands guard. Image courtesy of Tony Strotman.
Chinese-American mechanics work on P-40 fighter of the 76ht Fighter Squadron, 23rd Fighter Group, at Kunming, China, on November 20, 1942. These mechanics are: S/Sgt. Pak On Lee, S/Sgt. George Lunn, and S/Sgt. Phillip Pon. Image courtesy of Tony Strotman.
P-40 fuselage assembly room somewhere in China (likely Liuzhou). January 1, 1943. Image courtesy of Tony Strotman.
A crew of the 11th Bomb Squadron, 341st Bomb Group, stands beside a B-25 "Tokyo Jo" somewhere in China on 2 February 1943. They are: Capt. E. W. Holstrom Lt. L. J. Murphy Capt. Clayton Campbell Lt. George A. Stout T/Sgt. Douglas V. Radney S/Sgt. Robert T. Schafer Image courtesy of Tony Strotman.