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Tactical commanders of Maj. Gen. C. L. Chennault meet in observance of 14th Air Force Second Anniversary. Left to right: Brig. Gen. Russell E. Randall, Brig. Gen. Winslow C. Morse, Col. Clayton B. Claussen, and Brig. Gen Albert F. Hegenberger. Image courtesy of Tony Strotman.
Christmas gifts for Chennault from Chinese people in 1944. Prof. Liang Chao Cha represented civilian community at large. Brig. General Edgar E. Glenn at the right. Image courtesy of Tony Strotman.
Chennault poses with USO Troupe at Kunming China, on October 26, 1944. Left to right: Ruth Carrol, Pat O'Brien, Chennault, Jinx Falkenburg, Betty Yeaton, and Jimmy Dodd. Photo by 16th Combat Camera Unit. Image courtesy of Tony Strotman.
Chennault signs a "short-snorter" bill in the CBI while Hollywood stars look on--Ann Sheridan, Ben Blue, and Mary Landa. Image courtesy of Tony Strotman.
Miss Lily Pons of opera and radio fame, along with husband Andre Kostelanetz, meets C. L. Chennault on February 15, 1945, after her tour of American airfields in China.
Chennault receives a bundle of Christmas greeting from China's children at the hand of his Chief Interpreter, Col. P. Y. Chu. Image courtesy of Tony Strotman.
Chennault holds Tayng Wong and Toong Di, who had come with Col P. Y. Shu, interpreter, to present Chennault Christmas greetings written by grade school children. During WWII. Image courtesy of Tony Strotman.
Major General Claire L. Chennault accepts the Victory Banner of the All China Troops Comforting Association from Bishop Paul Yu Pin, as Chinese delegates and members of the staff of the 14th Air Force look on. March 24, 1945 Image courtesy of Tony Strotman.