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At a captured Japanese airstrip in Burma, a crashed 10th Air Force P-38, in June 1945. After a close support mission (napalm) for OSS Det 101 Kachin Ranger squadrons. Photo from Thomas B. Leonard.
A GI sits in the cockpit of a reconnaissance F-5 (P-38) in the CBI. "Fleming- Lab. Commander."
An American P-38 in motion on the ground in the CBI.
A US flyer surrounded by glamour gals stand in front of US war plane during WWII in the CBI. The plane appears to be a P-38 or F-5, with possible nickname "Sorry Beast." Photo from Glenn W. Van Wynggarden.
A P-38 buzzes the Camp Schiel rest camp in Yunnan, China, during WWII. 1944. Photo by Syd Greenberg.
GIs move supplies between a truck and a F-5 (P-38)--not usually considered a cargo carrier--including a box labeled "Curtiss Candy Co." along with cartons of "plum base." In the CBI during WWII. Photo from W. T. Basore.
View of an Allied base from the nose of a P-38 in SW China or Burma, during WWII.
A GI paints the nickname "Slick Chick" on the nose of an aircraft, probably a photo reconnaissance P-38 (note the glass panel for a camera on the bottom of the nose).
GIs work on a F-5 (P-38) in Guangxi province, China, during WWII.
A P-38J nicknamed "Daddy Bear" in the CBI, fitted with three cameras for photo recon. Out of Akyab Burma, on dry rice-paddy air strip. Photo by R. T. Keagle, 40th Photo Recon Sqdn.