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Numerous P-51s lined at Assam, India, 1944, including serials #473932, and #415582.
Some men stand before the B-24 "Wham Bam! The Flying Tin Can" in the CBI, which was the aircraft David Firman flew into China, on, flying into Hsinching.
Men of the Aero-Repair Section, 61st Air Service Group, stand before a a B-25 in the CBI. "Note all the night missions on the plane." From the collection of David Firman, 61st Air Service Group.
A C-64, tail number #35302, tipped into a ditch after a tornado on the flight line at Shamshernagar, Assam (India).
A small aircraft, a Stinson L-5 Sentinel, tail number #416889, flipped over after a tornado on the flight line at Shamsernasar, Assam. A C-64, tail number #35302, is tipped into a ditch behind it. (Thanks to jbarbaud for additional information!) From the collection of David Firman, 61st Air Service Group.
Officers of the 61st Air Service Group in Shamshernagar, India in August 1945, posing before the C-47 "Regina the Queen". 10 Army Air Force.
"Picture taking inside of our officers' club. Our group artist has a vivid imagination, hasn't he?" Female nude pictorial with "Where Never Lark, or Even Eagle Flew" written below. In the CBI during WWII.
A GI with local people in India during WWII.
David Firman reads a magazine in his quarters in China during WWII.
Service crew sits on fuselage of B-25 bomber during WWII.