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American GI staff of the publication "Sub-Cheese," a 16th A/B AA Bn publication, posing as if writing, during WWII in the CBI.
A cartoon about a GI who is upset to not see his favorite comic "Dick Tracy" in the latest CBI Roundup newspaper.
This collection contains images collected by the editors of Ex-CBI Roundup magazine, Dwight King and son Clark King (4th and final editor), since 1982. Ex-CBI Roundup magazine was a publication that had an amazing lifespan and ran for 64 consecutive years after the conclusion of World War II and the closure of the China-Burma-India Theater of Operations. ​​​​​​ The magazine...
The same street in Kunming, China, on two different days or times during WWII. On the right is a newspaper publisher, the Zhongzheng Daily (中正日报), apparently a propaganda newspaper for Chiang Kai-shek.
'Dad saved things and we found this "China Lantern", from August 1945, in his old suitcase, he saved some things from China, including his FORM-5 papers still in the original folder which has the missions he flew the B-25 in China.'
A sample of local media coverage of the March 2006 search for Albert Haynes in the Hengyang Evening Newspaper, written by Mr. WANG.
A sample of local media coverage of the November 2007 search for Albert Haynes in the Hengyang Evening Newspaper, written by Mr. WANG.
Newspaper clippings saved while overseas by Kenneth Williams.
Newspaper clippings saved while overseas by Kenneth Williams.
Newspaper clippings saved while overseas by Kenneth Williams.