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Japanese soldiers

'Unidentified remains in a field.' Southwest of Liuchow, fighters of the Fourteenth Air Force caught a cavalry column headed towards Liuchow following the Japanese retreat after Ichigo. The Japanese did not have time to bury their dead and the remains of horses and horsemen lay scattered throughout the valley.
Original text from image: "From: Public Relations Office Fourteenth Air Force Code 07041420/A Release On Rcpt Cleared Goldberg USFCT -FIRST PICTURES FROM REOCCUPIED LIUCHOW AREA- Death Comes To A Japanese Soldier Fourteenth Air Force Headquarters, In China-- Japanese retreating toward Liuchow did not bother to bury their dead. This horrible picture of a dead Jap soldier show that the Nips...
Southwest of Liuchow, fighters of the Fourteenth Air Force caught a cavalry column headed towards Liuchow following the Japanese retreat after Ichigo. The Japanese did not have time to bury their dead and the remains of horses and horsemen lay scattered throughout the valley.
Conscripts being loaded onto transport, or Japanese prisoners being loaded. In China during WWII.