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VIPs welcome first B-29 bomber, "K-45" to arrive in China during WWII--Major General Claire Chennault and Brigadier General LaVerne Saunders #6 & 8 from right.
Hot Rock Kappy with helmet and oxygen mask in front of a B-29 at Grand Island, Nebraska, January 1946. 716th Bombardment Squadron, 449th Bombardment Group.
B-29 "Mary K" in the India during WWII.
B-29 "Dream Girl" with the real girl. In the CBI during WWII. Photo from Harold M. Goldsworthy.
B-29 bombers in flight, dropping bombs. In the CBI during WWII.
Nose art on the B-29 "Large Charge" in the CBI during WWII.
The B-29 bomber "Georgia Peach," with six camels painted on to count the number of times having flown over "The Hump." July 23, 1944. Major Seaton. Kharagpur, India, to China. In the CBI. Above in an image collected by the editors of Ex-CBI Roundup (usually through reader submission) over many years of publication, and provided to the Remembering Shared Honor...
B-29 "Our Gal" at Kuinglai, China, during WWII. Photo from Clarence Miller.
Clarence M. Miller leans from B-29 cockpit window. The 462th Bomb Group insignia reads "Hellbirds: With Malice Toward Some" around a B-29 silhouette. (Despite the photo being labeled as 467th BS, there is no record of such a squadron being assigned to the 462nd Bombardment Group. ---Thanks to Al Schutte for the update!) Photo from Clarence M. Miller.
General Curtis LeMay at scene of first B-29 crash at Kharagpur, India. Photo from Eldon F. Bradley (Sgt. Bradley in dark fatigues right foreground).