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View from Madras' St. Thomas Mount shows a verdant landscape of forests and fields, during WWII. A Christian church building is visible on the left. Photo from Glenn S. Hensley.
Frank Bond of the 40th Photographic Reconnaissance Squadron squeezes through a small door in a massive gate of a Hindu temple in Madras, India, during WWII. Photo from Glenn S. Hensley.
Indian movie actors in Madras talk with some visiting GIs from the nearby military rest camp, during WWII. Photo from Glenn. S. Hensley.
Ochterlony Monument, Calcutta, during WWII. Photo from Glenn Hensley.
GIs change film on an F-5 (a reconnaissance version of the P-38) in the CBI during WWII.
Recreation on a beach in India. In the CBI. Photo submitted by Glenn S. Hensley, Kirkwood, MO.
A beach in India during WWII. Photo submitted by Glenn S. Hensley, Kirkwood, MO.
A temple in Burma or India. Photo submitted by Glenn S. Hensley, Kirkwood, MO.