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The hostel area at the American base at Suichuan (Suichwan) airbase, Jiangxi province, during WWII. See related image.
American GIs and Chinese man stand in front of a photo shop, the Wen Hwa Studio (文化摄影社), in China during WWII. Photo from the collection of Rex B. Gouger, member of the 76th Fighter Squadron, 23rd Fighter Group.
GI bags piled for another move at a housing area at an American base in the CBI. See related image.
In a church in China during WWII.
The burned out remains of a Buddhist temple in China during WWII.
GIs show off trophy captured Japanese Good-Luck Flag (寄せ書き日の丸) collected on the battleground in the CBI during WWII.
Camp Schiel rest station in Yunnan province. Photo from the collection of Rex B. Gouger, member of the 76th Fighter Squadron, 23rd Fighter Group.
Street scene in China, with the Paramount Cafe in the background. During WWII.
GIs hunting for wild pig in Yunnan province, China, during WWII.
A suspension bridge in SW China during WWII.