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341st Bombardment Group

Crew of 341st Bombardment Group with B-25 in China on October 26, 1944. Radio--Name unclear, but possibly William J. Rhoades, S/Sgt, radio-gunner; assigned 23 May 44. Pilot - 2Lt. Trent Biswell, Jr.; assigned 14 Mar 44. Tail gun - David E Murphy, Jr., T/Sgt; assigned 10 Feb 44, listed as engineer-gunner on several missions; usually would have been dorsal turret...
2nd Lt. Nicholas Marich (sometimes spelled Marick), killed along the members of two other air crews on January 12, 1943, when two B-25 Mitchell bombers were practicing formation flying during a training exercise, when they collided at Chakulia, India. He had previously been shot down on October 25, 1942, during a mission to Hong Kong and evaded capture, eventually making...
March 5, 1945 bombing on Phu Lang Thuong railway bridge over the Thuong River at Bắc Giang City in French Indochina (Vietnam), during WWII. In northern Vietnam, and along a critical rail route used by the Japanese. In this image there are bombs in the air, and the two water towers are completely gone. "This was only one of the...
March 5, 1945 bombing by the 341st Bombardment Group, 22nd Bombardment Squadron, on Phu Lang Thuong railway bridge over the Thuong River at Bắc Giang City in French Indochina (Vietnam), during WWII. In northern Vietnam, and along a critical rail route used by the Japanese. In this image the bridge is finally broken, and the two water towers are completely...

MACR 16368


Missing Air Crew Report (MACR)  16368 for the loss of a B-25 "Lonesome Polecat" with the crew of Blades, Weaver, Lee, Shirley, Minden, Cave, Lyman, Frederick, and Kelly in 1943 near Tian Hoa (Tianhe), Canton.

Image courtesy of Tony Strotman.

Lt John R. Herdic 1st Lt John R. Herdic (2nd from right) in front of a B-25 at Yangkai (Yangjie) airbase. Lt Herdic was KIA at Duong Dao, Indochina while bombing a railroad bridge on January 19, 1945. See the story about Lt Herdic here.
1st Lt John R. Herdic (2nd from right) in front of a B-25 at Yangkai (Yangjie) airbase. 1st Lt John R. Herdic was born in 1921 in Williamsport, PA, where he grew up. He was attending college when WWII broke out and signed up for the Army Air Force in early 1942. He was sent to navigator school in Texas...
Hubert F. Blades, S/Sgt., from Vicksburg, Mississippi, aerial gunner on the B-25, lost in China on 8 May 1943. A marker listing him and most of the crew was placed at Jefferson Barracks National Cemetery Section 82 Site 202, 2900 Sheridan Road, St. Louis, Mo. (Image, and much information, courtesy of Tony Strotman.)
A marker listing him and most of the crew was placed at Jefferson Barracks National Cemetery Section 82 Site 202, 2900 Sheridan Road, St. Louis, Mo. (Image at top, and much information, courtesy of Tony Strotman.)