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425th Bomb Squadron

A burial at sea for PFC Clorala Willard (this name is correct, not name on photo), of the 308th Bomb Group, 425th Bomb Squadron, on March 2, 1943 on the way back to the US after serving in the CBI. In the CBI.
Combat Photographer Selig Seidler with the B-24 "Cocky Bobby" in the CBI. Selig Seidler, combat photographer with the 16th Combat Camera Unit, in front of B-24 bomber #44-41427 COCKY BOBBY of the 14AF 308BG 425BS. From the collection of S/Sgt. Herbert Gross, 14AF 308BG 375BS, flight engineer/gunner on 42-73243 VITAMIN P II and other B-24s in China 1943-1944. (Shared by...
Flyers Folke Johnson, Edward Price, and Paul Hunt, members of the same B-24 bomber crew, pose together in China in 1944.
"Bob" Fensler grew up an active youth in the Tule Lake, California, area, as in this image, as a young hunter with his dog. Model airplanes hanging from the ceiling of Robert Fensler\'s bedroom in the 1930s. Capt. Robert Wilson Fensler, 425th Bomb Squadron, 308th Bomb Group, was tragically lost in 1943 while flying on a B-24, "The Pregnant Swan,"...
Ewald Anton Mast was born in Germany on December 3rd, 1922. He is the son of Albert and Rosa Karscher Mast and the oldest of three siblings. His younger brother Curt Albert Mast was born on March 1924 and is married with three children, Curt is also a WWII veteran and served as an electrician second class aboard the USS...
Edward Wilson Price, who disappeared in China, along with the rest of the crew of their B-24 bomber in 1944. See more of the story of the loss of him and his crew here. In this location we will eventually have a biography on Edward Wilson Price who disappeared in China, along with the rest of the crew of their...