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Shanghai 上海

USS Nashville ship's company's invitation to Ship's Dance at the Shanghai Race Course Stadium on October 22, 1945, after WWII.
A hard-working wood peddler in Shanghai, right after WWII. Photo from James T. Logue.
Shanghai, China, in 1934, before the war.
View of Shanghai. In the CBI during WWII.
General Wiedemeyer At Kiangwan Airport, Shanghai, in early 1946. Photo from James C. Helberg.
Alice Chong sitting on the bumper of a British truck in Shanghai in February or March of 1938. This is after the evacuation of many Ginling College girls to Shanghai, fleeing the violence of the Japanese attack on Nanjing in the preceding two months. Many other Ginling College (金陵女子大学) girls are also in the photo. Alice led the Ginling College...
Fuzhou (Foochow) Road, Shanghai, January 15, 1946.