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76th Fighter Squadron

A suspension bridge in SW China during WWII.
Rex B. Gouger, member of the 76th Fighter Squadron, 23rd Fighter Group, poses in front of a tent in the CBI during WWII. '
GIs and Chinese man inside a temple in China, probably a Confucian or Daoist temple. During WWII.
Rex B. Gouger, member of the 76th Fighter Squadron, 23rd Fighter Group, in China in 1944.
Peter Fensel 22nd sg. Jim Flanagan 491st, Dan Loring 11sg (left to right) . Vicki II was Pete's airplane (re-ferried from U.S.) James Flanagan, pilot/Ops Officer 491st Bm Sq, then Ops Officer 341st Bm Grp. Jim was leader of the four 491st B-25s which, along with 4 11th Squadron planes led by Dan Loring (mission leader) departed Luichow (Liuzhou) on...
'In this location we will have a biography on Dik E. Edwards ,who gave his life in China during the war. As a pilot in the 76th Fighter Squadron, 23rd Fighter Group, who flew many dangerous missions, and took on many responsibilities, but the greatest of all was to be a loving brother, even while stationed half a world away...
Jerome F. Eisenman (23rd Fighter Group, 76th Fighter Squadron), lost on a mission in Guangxi, near Liuzhou city. We have been given much gracious help in this by his family, who has also told us about the person Jerome Eisenman was, and we plan to share it all here.
Howard Krippner, lost on a mission in China. (23rd Fighter Group, 76th Fighter Squadron). While very tragic, it also reminds us that family bonds and affection can stretch literally across decades.
L. V. Teeter, pilot with the 23rd Fighter Group, MIA in China near Liuzhou city, Guangxi province. Here is an initial file on the loss of L. V. Teeter, pilot with the 23rd Fighter Group, MIA in China near Liuzhou city, Guangxi province. His loss as recorded in a 76th Fighter Squadron mission report (thanks Leonard O\'Dell) - Date: 3...